Bravissimo illustratore, ecco il link al suo sito pieno di immagini delle sue opere... un immaginario poetico e semplice al contempo. Direttamente dal suo sito:My name is Matte Stephens I’m an artist from Birmingham Alabama. I live with my wife Vivienne and our animal friends Irving, Krasner, Norma Desmond, Jon, Jean Paul, ZUZU,Simon, Cosmo and Lillian. Most of these guys live in our yard in little houses with heating pads 4 live inside with us.They love to play and eat.Vivienne and I decided a long time ago that it was an important thing for us to give a safe place,food and medical attention to animals that need attention.
About my art I show all over North America and a couple of places in Europe. My art is inspired by artists like Ben Shahn and Paul Klee or designers like Irving Harper,George Nelson,Charles and Ray Eames, Buckminster Fuller, Ralph Rapson, Eero Saarinen. Its the feeling of great design that has fueled my art for many years.